4K Pink Preppy Wallpaper

Download Ultra HD 4K 4K Pink Preppy Wallpaper adjusted to your phones resolutions. Alumnus, Etiquette wallpapers.

4K Pink Preppy Wallpaper

4K Pink Preppy Wallpaper

Wallpaper Details

File Size: 182 KB

OS: Android - iOS

338 views in total.

Date Added: April 2023

Phones: Samsung - iPhone - LG - Sony - HTC - Huawei - Xiaomi - Google Pixel - Lenovo - Nokia - Motorola


Preppy (also spelled preppie) or prep (all abbreviations of the word preparatory) is a subculture in the United States associated with the alumni of old private Northeastern college preparatory schools. The terms are used to denote a person seen as characteristic of a student or alumnus of these schools.


4K Pink Preppy Wallpaper Download

4K Pink Preppy Wallpaper Download