Shisui Uchiha Background

Download Ultra HD 4K Shisui Uchiha Background adjusted to your phones resolutions. Anime, Hero wallpapers.

Shisui Uchiha Background

Shisui Uchiha Background

Wallpaper Details

File Size: 108 KB

OS: Android - iOS

263 views in total.

Date Added: September 2021

Phones: Samsung - iPhone - LG - Sony - HTC - Huawei - Xiaomi - Google Pixel - Lenovo - Nokia - Motorola

Shisui Uchiha

Shisui” (止水) alone means “still water” or “stagnant water”. Shisui is Kagami Uchiha’s “descendant” (子孫, shison), though their exact relationship is unknown. In the anime, Shisui’s Mangekyō pattern is depicted as a pinwheel of four spiralling curves instead of four points.

Shisui Uchiha Background Download

Shisui Uchiha Background Download